Alumnus of the Month – Pep Garcia-Pascual
Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 at 10:47 am | Alumni Interviews, News & Events
Pep Garcia-Pascual graduated from the 1 Year Part-Time programme at The Gaiety School of Acting – The National Theatre School of Ireland in 2002. Since then, he has toured Ireland with Public Shakespeare and set up his own Shakespeare company, Parking Shakespeare, in his home town of Catalonia. He is performing in New York this month with his one-man show ‘Pep Talk’ as part of the FringeNYC Festival.
1. Did you always want to work in the theatre/acting business?
Yes, well I wanted to be a football player as well, but I loved directing my stages with my playmobil toys since I was very little.
When I was 15, I realized that acting and directing on the stage or a set was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.
2.How did you start off in the business?
I started in Ireland. Thanks to Kristian Marken (GSA teacher) who gave me my first chance as a professional actor in Public Shakespeare’s COMEDY OF ERRORS back in 2002. After that, A MONARCH IN HOLLYWOOD at the Dublin Fringe Festival.
Back home to Catalonia then, where over the years I’ve been in different plays, and films, and founding our company PARKING SHAKESPEARE in 2009, inspired by Public Shakespeare’s way of doing things. And it’s still going on! 5 Shakespeare plays in 5 years! This year’s production is “Nit de Reis” (Twelfth Night), and I will play Malvolio.
PEP TALK mixing football and theatre, is my latest production. Acting in English again! We will be at the NYC Fringe Festival in August!
3. Any tips for aspiring actors?
Keep doing it. And keep doing it. And try, and try, and try. And never give up. You can be tired one of 2 days. And think that this profession and the way that things work on it sucks. But, at the 3rd day at tops, go back.
Like Henry V says: Once more onto the breach, dear friends!
4.What did you like most about being at The Gaiety School of Acting?
The atmosphere of feeling part of a family. Everyone was in the same boat. And the friends I made there. Some of them I’m still in touch with.
As an actor, I learned a different way of starting and focusing on the acting game. And different points of view always help you to improve.
5.Favourite actor?
It would be Jack Lemmon
6.Favourite writer?
Nick Hornby. Playwriter, W. Shakespeare
7.Favourite play?
A look back in anger.
8. Who has been the most influential person in your life so far?
It’s hard to choose just one. I try to be inspired, more that influenced, by different people. Pick up the good qualities from every single one. You can learn from everybody.
9.Earliest memory?
Being in my parent’s flat kitchen at the age of 2 or 3 and trying to reach a sauce pan…
As an actor, as I said, voice over my playmobils!
10.What would be your idea of the perfect day?
Day after an opening night with a full house, enjoying my few hours off with my friends and family, and knowing that I will perform last night’s play again!
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[…] One past pupil, Pep Garcia-Pascual, did just that. His one-man show ‘Pep Talk’ was built on the success of the training he received through the 1-Year Part Time Programme. You can check out his interview as GSA Alumnus of the Month here! […]