Erasmus Plus Funded Project Too Moons 
Making Human Rights ‘Real’ for Older People Across Europe:
Empowering them to Claim their Rights
Two Moons aims to develop educational resources to inform and enhance older people’s knowledge of their human rights by so doing empower them to safeguard their well-being. The process involves older people, social care professionals and community members in a collaborative creative process, providing older people with an opportunity to share their stories in print, and through documentary theatre.
The Two Moons project, funded under Erasmus + consists of a partnership between non-governmental organisations (NGO) from Ireland, Finland, Italy, and Romania. This partnership involves Gaiety School of Acting – The National Theatre School of Ireland (Ireland) / Co-Creation Support CLG (Ireland) / Anziani e non solo (Italy) / Asociatia HABILITAS – Centru de Resurse si Formare Profesionala (Romania) / Empowering Old Age Coop VoiVa (Finland) / Teatri d’Imbarco (Italy).
Project Outputs
The resources developed over the next two years will include:
‘My Human Rights, My Well-Being’ – Booklet retelling the stories and experiences of incidents where older people have not had their rights met under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (CRPD).
Our Stories: Human Rights and Older People in Europe Two Moons Documentary Theatre and Talkback – This will provide a medium for some of the stories collected to be dramatized and performed by community drama groups throughout the country. It will heighten awareness among the wider community including health and social care professionals, public representatives, family members of situations where the rights of older people are not upheld.
‘Listen to My Story’ – An audio recording of the six dramatized monologues, which can be used with the Guide to hosting the Two Moons Documentary Theatre and Talkback to deliver workshops on human rights.
For more information, visit the Two Moons website here. You can also download the project’s information leaflet here.