Weekly Blog: My Experience of the One Year Part-Time Acting Course with Alexandra Ryan (Term 3: Week 2/7)
Wednesday, May 29th, 2013 at 5:27 pm | Part Time Courses
Hi everyone,
Its full speed ahead at the One Year Part Time Course at Dublin’s Gaiety School Of Acting.
The final term is going by so fast but I’m loving every minute. We are preparing for our final showcase on June 26, as well as having a duologue scene we are also doing group scenes which I can’t wait to do.
At the moment we are spending half of our time working on the duologue and the other half on the group scenes. A lot of us are working together outside class hours so we can improve our scenes and make sure we are trying new things to make the scenes better.
Working on the scenes non stop can be a bit stressful so last week we spent the entire class just focusing on movement training.
From running around to walking in slow motion and spelling out our names with our body, we were all wrecked afterwards but got to let out a lot of stress. It’s important to focus on other areas of acting as well as the scenes themselves.
Anyone looking to improve their craft and exercise their acting muscles, this course is definitely the one for you.
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Hi Alexandra, anyone on your side of the part timers that would like to establish an ensemble after the course???? 🙂