Áine Collier

Personal Information

Email: aine.collier@gmail.com
Phone Number: 087 642 6286
Height: 160cm (5’ 3”)
Eye colour: Hazel
Spotlight Link


GSA Two Year Full-Time Professional Actor Training 2020-2022

Acting for Camera, The Gaiety School of Acting, 2019-2022

Irish Dance Ensemble Scholarship, UCD, Jean Butler, 2017-2019


THE CARNYX OF TERROR (Radio play), Narrator 1/Mary, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Roger Greg

THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, Shylock, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Liam Halligan

BAILEGANGAIRE, Mary, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Paul Brennan

HOUSE OF BERNARDA ALBA, Amelia, Innovations, Directed by Sarah Morris

Film and TV

SHEEPLE (Short Film), Directed by Kevin de la Isla O’Neill, 2022

WATER OVER BLOOD, Celestial Gateway, Directed by Glen Kirby

INSPIRING WOMEN, Vologram, Directed by Ciarán Ó’Connor


Irish-Southern, American-Standard, Belfast, Cork, Dublin, Irish-Northern, RP, Russian


BASCC- Unarmed (Distinction), Rapier and Dagger (Pass)
Fluent Irish Speaker
Professional Pianist (Grade 8), Percussionist
Professional Irish dancer (Dancer for Sticks and Clicks)
Experienced Horse Rider
Music Composer/Producer
Singer (Irish/musical theatre/pop)
Other: Voice Acting, Mime, Clown, Physical Theatre, Writing, Cabaret, Movement, Comedy