Gaiety School of Acting



A masterclass for adults. Learn about the acting industry and how to get work as a professional actor. 

A 2-hour masterclass exploring the actor’s approach to Shakespeare, led by Director of the Gaiety School, Will Wollen. So much has been written about Shakespeare from an academic perspective that it’s easy to forget that many of his original audience couldn’t read or write. In this session you’ll explore how much the pressure to ‘be clever’ when approaching Shakespeare can really get in the way of finding the plays afresh.  We’ll look at how the circumstances in which Shakespeare was writing can help us unlock his plays, and how we need to remember to be actors not professors! This session is appropriate for those with any level of experience of Shakespeare – from loads to none!

Unlock the full potential of your voice in our intensive 4-hour Singing Masterclass with vocal expert Shelly Bukspan.

Journey into stylistics and technique: experiment and discover how we use our voice through different genres and techniques.
Through demonstration and practical exploration, we will analyze and experience how we use our vocal expression through the different genres we choose to perform. Understanding how we use stylistics and techniques will help to enhance our performance and maintain our vocal health.
What do you need to bring to the session? Your voice and passion for singing, whether you wish to validate what you already know about your voice or explore new possibilities and qualities for the first time.

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