James Braiden

Personal Information

Email: James.braiden98@gmail.com
Phone Number: 0852427793
Height: 5′ 10″ (178cm)
Spotlight Link


GSA Two Year Full-Time Professional Actor Training 2019-2021


Phantom of The Opera Phantom, Mullingar Student Players, Directed by Sean Lynch

Les Miserables, Marius, Mullingar Student Players, Directed by Sean Lynch

Cats, Mungojerrie and Old Gus, Mullingar Student Players, Directed by Sean Lynch

Chess, Freddie Trumper, Mullingar Student Players, Directed by Sean Lynch

Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad, Mullingar Student Players, Directed by Sean Lynch

Romeo and Juliet, Romeo, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Liam Halligan

The Seagull, Konstantin, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Paul Brennan

Prisoner A, The Quare Fellow, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Paul Brennan

Film and TV

Two Oh Five, Tom, Megan K. Fox Films, Directed by Megan K. Fox


American Standard, Cockney, English RP, German, Irish Midlands (Native)

Vocal Range

Tenor, A Flat to C