Sean McAuliffe

Personal Information

Phone Number: 083 451 5163
Height: 5’9”
Eye colour: Green/Blue
Hair colour: Dark Brown


GSA Two Year Full-Time Professional Actor Training 2020-2022

GSA Part-Time Training Suite 2019


THE CARNYX OF TERROR (Radio Play), The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Roger Gregg

TRANSLATIONS, George, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Paul Brennan

MACBETH, Lennox, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Liam Halligan

ROMEO AND JULIET, Romeo, The Gaiety School of Acting, Directed by Liam Halligan


Accents & Dialects: Black Country, Cockney, Dublin, Glasgow, Irish RP, Irish-Northern, Irish-Southern, London, Manchester, Midlands-West, RP, Standard American.
Combat: Unarmed and Rapier and Dagger BASCC
Other: Sight-Reading, Mime, Improv, Clown,
Sports: Boxing, Karate