Macbeth – ShakesVR
Macbeth or “The Scottish Play” is considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest work. It charts the bloody rise to power and ultimate downfall of the warrior Macbeth. It is a story of betrayal, ambition and greed, with huge supernatural undertones.
Macbeth or “The Scottish Play” is considered one of Shakespeare’s greatest work. It charts the bloody rise to power and ultimate downfall of the warrior Macbeth. It is a story of betrayal, ambition and greed, with huge supernatural undertones.
ShakesVR key scenes
Macbeth Act 2 Sc 2 “Macbeth does murder sleep”
In this pivotal scene Lady Macbeth waits anxiously for Macbeth to return from killing Duncan. When Macbeth enters, he is horrified by what he has done.
Macbeth Act 3 Sc 4 “You have displace the Mirth”
This short scene takes place immediately after the banquet Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have hosted for the Scottish thanes. During the banquet, Macbeth sees the ghost of Banquo sitting at his place at the table. He is horrified. We watch as Lady Macbeth chastises her husband.
Macbeth Act 5 Sc 1 “Out Damned Spot!”
Featuring some of the most iconic lines in all of Shakespeares work, this famous scene shows us the true mental state of Lady Macbeth. Watch as she reveals her innermost secrets.
Macbeth and the 5 Act Structure
Shakespeare always used a 5 act structure in his plays. Below is brief description and summary of Macbeth
ACT I: EXPOSITION – The Witches Predictions
Generally the first acts main purpose is to introduce the main characters and provides the backstory. The first act shows the central conflict of the play through the witches predications. Equally important is the differing reactions to the prophecy by Banquo and Macbeth
ACT II: Rising Action The murder of Duncan
All the events of this act ultimately lead the audience to the climax of the play. Evidence of the rising action can be seen when some of the prophecies begin to come true. Furthermore, an important contribution to the rising action is when Lady Macbeth tries to convince Macbeth to kill King Duncan.
ACT III: Climax – The murder of Banquo
It could be argued that the murder of Duncan was the climax of the play as this is the turning point in the action. However, it can also be argued that Banquos murder is the climax as it is considered the point of no return. Up until this point things have been going well for Macbeth. Conversely, following the murder of Banquo things start to fall apart tragically
ACT IV: Falling Action – Lady Macbeths Sleepwalking and the Murder of Lady Macduff
The dramatic elements become clearer – the two forces who are in conflict (good versus evil) grow stronger. Basically all the events which occur after the murder can be considered the “the falling action”. Macbeth tries to hide his crime and maintain his position as a King which ultimately leads to the murder of Lady Macduff. Additionally the guilt of her actions drive Lady Macbeth to sleepwalk confessing her deeds.
ACT V: Resolution
In the end Lady Macbeth dies and Macbeth is executed. Finally Malcolm becomes King. It is important to note that the resolution contains the catastrophe and the emotional climax of the play.
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