Gaiety School of Acting
Long Form Improv

Long Form Improv


This is a fun, creative 10-week course that covers the basics of improvisation all taught in an inclusive, relaxed environment.



What is Long-form Improv

Long-form is a continuous improvised piece which is inspired from a single suggestion at the start. One or more narratives may be explored and maintained. It will truly be the freshest piece of theatre you will ever perform because you are writing it in the moment.

Learn spontaneity, the art of scene work, how to use your voice and body as tools.

If you want to learn how to perform by just using your imagination with no script or no safety net, then this is the course for you. You will learn the skills and techniques required to sustain a story with sub-plots and integrate a set of leading and supporting characters in a single extended improvisation.

Participants can expect to learn:

  • Listening Skills
  • Basic Mime
  • Collaborative ensemble
  • Creating characters
  • Building relationships between them
  • Following a narrative

The course is an introduction to the art of improvisation and is suitable for the complete beginner and someone with basic improv experience. Your imagination will thank you for doing this course.

Upcoming Courses: 13th Jan – 31st March

Day: Monday Evenings, 7-9pm

Age: 18+

Cost: €385 per term

Please Note: Dependent on any Government regulations that may be implemented for any reason, classes may take place on Zoom. We will update students directly and here on GSA’s response to any government restrictions. 

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