Gaiety School of Acting
Make a Movie Camp: Who Dunnit 8-11

Make a Movie Camp: Who Dunnit 8-11


A mysterious movie making Summer camp for 8-11 year olds.



Make a Movie Camp at the Gaiety School of Acting

“One must never set up a murder. They must happen unexpectedly, as in life.”
-Alfred Hitchcock

It was Professor Peach, with the bow and arrow, in the basement! Don your detective hat and get in the director’s chair for a mysterious movie-making summer camp! Drawing on appropriate film styles and led by industry professionals, this camp includes coaching in acting, screen-writing, dialogue scripting and learn how to shoot a short film. Each student will be sent a link to their movie to show family and friends.

The camp will take place over Summer 2025

What will you learn?

  • Storyboarding
  • Casting
  • Acting for Camera
  • Direction

Ages: 8-11

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Monday 28 Jul - 1 Aug Temple Bar 10 am - 4 pm €230 Book